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[COVID-19] Antibacterial--How to make aroma sprays that help with anti-virus! - Evenday

[COVID-19] Antibacterial--How to make aroma sprays that help with anti-virus! - Evenday

Social chaos continues in the wake of COVID-19, with elementary, middle and high schools across the country temporarily closed and events and events suspended one after another. In order to prevent COVID-19 and prevent spread, it is necessary to follow individual hygiene and prevention rules. Protect yourself and your neighbors with various hygiene measures such as coughing etiquette, hand washing, wearing masks in public places, and alcohol disinfection. Today, I'm going to give you some tips on using aroma essential oils to help with COVID-19.

Aroma essential oils have been used to prevent influenza and colds even before the Corona virus, as there are types of anti-bacterial and anti-viral effects. Use aroma spray to use antibacterial and anti-virus in your daily life.

[Oil to Expect Antibacterial and Aviral Action]

●  (tea tree)

- Antibacterial, antiviral and immunization promotion

●  (Ravensara)

- Antibacterial, antiviral, analgesic, sleep-inducing

● (Eucalyptus Radiata)

- Antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immuno-adjustment

※For Lavensara and eucalyptus, care must be taken for infants and pregnant women. Consult your aroma specialist in advance and use it!

[How to make aroma spray] Ingredients: Ethanol for disinfection (75-80 degree product), essential oil, and spray container

How to make 1. Disinfect the container you prepared first. 2. Fill 20% of the container with ethanol. 3. Add essential oil, please. Add essential oil to 10mg in the proportion of 2 drops of oil. 4. Please put in the rest of the ethanol. ※In case of anhydrous carbonol, mix it with purified water at 8:2 ratio before using it. ※Don't pour the ethanol all at once. Pour it two or three times. Add the oil. You have to mix it to mix it evenly.

[How to Use] The anti-bacterial and antiviral action of the mask can be increased, and a single-use lung mask can also be used for disinfection. When using it, avoid the inside of the mask directly touching the skin and spray it on both ends of the outside. In addition to the mask, it can be used in various places such as sofa or bed at home, and it can be used as a hand spray for disinfection when going out.

Aroma sprays have long been used as one of the natural therapies. However, this is not the only thing that can prevent the corona virus. If you wash your hands or gargle properly after going out, and use aroma spray with it every day as anti-bacterial and anti-viral measures, it will work. ※Do not use aroma oil as the undiluted solution. ※Pregnant women, infants, the elderly, and those with chronic diseases must consult an aroma specialist or doctor before using it!

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